Staffordshire Hydraulic Services Ltd
Bolt-tensioning Power Packs
SHS air operated power packs are compact and robust self contained units, typically used for bolt-tensioning. These power packs are designed to meet the needs of today's offshore oil and gas industry, heavy construction, ship-building, wind farms and renewable energy, where reliable sources of hydraulic power are required.
Both Compact and Standard Power Pack can incorporate any of the proven SC air driven pumps.
Each power pack typically contains the pump complete with air filter, regulator, lubricator, air gauge, on/off valve, hydraulic pressure gauge and gauge protective cover, outlet pressure connection block, release valve and interconnecting pipework. The exact configuration can be modified to meet customers? specific needs. The equipment is mounted inside a robust steel painted framework together with a fluid tank having filler breather and strainer. Each unit is factory pressure tested prior to despatch.
Our compact power packs are designed for plain water or oil duty. Typical applications include hydrostatic testing, operation of hydraulic valve actuators, clamping and tensioning tools.
Optional Extras
Various optional extras can be built in:
- Pressure isolation valve
- Circular chart pressure recorder
- Auxiliary pressure port
- Stroke counter with readout
- Stainless steel framework & hose tray
For optional pump materials eg. Viton pump seals or special pump models; contact our factory with details of your requirements.

Custom Power Units
- Typical variants include trolley-mounted units, ESD Power Units with manual override
- On-board pressure recorders and USB-connectable transducers are available
- Units may be wall-mounted
- Safety interlocks are available
- Various configurations can be supplied, using a wide range of different instruments, pump types (e.g. dual pumps)
- Option to have the product ATEX-approved