Staffordshire Hydraulic Services Ltd
Gas Booster Model 3000

The SHS range of gas boosters are supplied as individual pumps for inclusion in own equipment, as a complete self contained pack or in a custom made system designed by SHS to meet customers specification.
The control is by simple air regulation and the ability to stall at any predetermined pressure and hold pressure without consuming power or generating heat make them intrinsically safe.
Pumps restart automatically when outlet pressure drops below predetermined level.
Booster may be mounted horizontally or vertically with air motor uppermost.
Operating Air Drive Pressure 10-100psi (0.69 to 6.9 bar)
Maximum Air Consumption 56 scfm (95 Nm3/hr)
Weight: 36 lbs (16.4 kgs)
Typical applications include pressure testing of valves, pipe work systems and recharging accumulators. Standard booster pump can be supplied with or without air controls, an exhaust muffler is provided. Suitable for use with Nitrogen gas or other inert gases, usually supplied from a standard commercial gas bottle.
• Option for ATEX-approved version
Static Performance Data Table & Dimensional Details

Flow Rates